Welcome to Clearfone

Welcome to Clearfone! We are your trusted partner for all things telecommunications, mobiles, and broadband. Our mission is to provide bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs. Take a look below at what sets us apart.

Our values


We believe in transparent communication. No jargon, no hidden agendas—just straightforward solutions. Our commitment to clarity ensures that our customers understand every aspect of our services, empowering them to make informed decisions.


Clearfone is more than a service provider; we’re your dedicated partner. We stand by our customers through thick and thin, ensuring their satisfaction and success. Loyalty is the foundation of our long-lasting relationships.


Time is valuable, and we respect that. Our processes are streamlined, our services optimised, and our solutions delivered promptly. We strive for efficiency in everything we do, from customer support to network management.


Precision matters. Whether it’s billing, technical configurations, or troubleshooting, we pay attention to the details. Our services ensure that you get what you need, exactly when you need it. Nothing more, nothing less


Clearfone’s solutions are built to withstand the test of time. You can’t run a business without a sturdy foundation, our services provide stability, reliability, and resilience. We don’t settle for mediocrity; we aim for complete robustness.


We work with industry leaders to provide you with services to fit your needs.



VoIP provide businesses with flexible, scalable, and cost-effective communication solutions, enabling seamless integration with various digital platforms. By utilising VoIP, companies can enjoy enhanced call quality, advanced features, and the ability to conduct business from virtually anywhere, fostering improved collaboration and customer service.



Stay connected with your team wherever business takes you with our comprehensive mobile solutions. Tailored to meet your needs, our offerings range from flexible shared data plans to cutting-edge multinetwork 5G IoT sims. All while being secured by our Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution ensures security of your devices and cost control, preventing overcharges and providing a predictable fixed monthly expenditure. Rest assured, no matter your mobile requirements, we’re equipped to support you every step of the way.



Keep your business online with best of breed broadband and lease line solutions. We take business continuity seriously and can help you stay. With the analogue switch off only just round the corner we are in the perfect place to guide you through this transition and ensure your business is unscathed.


Contact centre

Contact centres are integral to business success, providing multifaceted communication channels
that elevate customer interactions and support. They are instrumental in enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction, which in turn drives sales and optimises operational efficiency.

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